Vina Vitalia "Vivvi"
b.31.08.2016 - d.01.05.2024 /PLE
(CH NJV-15 Quinto Qing av Hiselfoss - CH Hermine Hufsetufsa av Hiselfoss)

Vivvi five years old.
She has a lovely and free life with Odny.

Vivvi, April 2020 - ouy of coat

Nearly two years old!

Easter 2018

Vivvi is very well taken care of by Odny, who lives close to Oslo. They have wonderful places to go for walks, and they both loves to spend a lot of time outside. As you can see, the weather has been beautiful all over souther Norway this year.

Mum Hermine and Vivvi - July 2017
June 2017

Vivvi - 8 months old

7 months

14 weeks old

8,5 weeks old

Vivvi is co owned by Tove. Tove and Kåre have had BMDs much longer than me, so they have a lot of experience. I hope she will behave, and not drive them crazy ;)